Earth is what we all have in common.

—Wendell Berry

15th annual Earth Day Fort Collins

Saturday April 19th at Civic Center Park 11am-5pm

“Our Power. Our Planet.”

This year, Earth Day takes on heightened significance as citizens unite in a resounding call for creativity, innovation, ambition, and bravery. It marks a historic moment when communities join forces to address the pressing climate crisis and embrace the power of local action.

Earth Day Fort Collins inspires community members to honor the Earth EVERY DAY and features a combination of activities and events for the entire family, including informational booths and displays, kids activities, arts & crafts, live music, speakers, food trucks, farmers market and a beer garden.

This event is Free! Please bring a non-perishable item for the Food Bank for Larimer County.

Join us for this day of global action!

Exhibitor Booth Registration


Exhibiting at Earth Day Fort Collins is a unique opportunity to showcase your commitment to sustainability and connect with an engaged, eco-conscious audience.


Share your products, services, or initiatives with thousands of attendees passionate about environmental stewardship.


Build brand awareness, network with like-minded organizations, and inspire positive change in our community. Join us!


Sponsorship Opportunities that Demonstrate your Commitment to Planet Earth


The Sustainable Living Association provides opportunities for businesses to engage in and support our ongoing community efforts to educate, inspire and motivate citizens to live more in balance with nature by conserving natural resources and leaving less of an impact on the earth.


Join us in demonstrating your commitment to environmental protection and preservation, we’d love to partner with you!


Contact us to learn more!


Planning for Earth Day Fort Collins 2025 in underway and we look forward to partnering with our community once again to bring this event to life. If you’re interested in volunteering to help coordinate Earth Day contact us to learn more.


We can’t wait to see you at Earth Day!  If you can pitch in and volunteer for a shift you’ll get a FREE commemorative t-shirt and the glory of knowing you are doing good in the world. It’s easy to sign up and feel free to invite a friend to join you.


Inspired by’s My Future My Voice Youth Ambassador program, we are asking local youths to express their visions and desires for the future. 


Why? Because we believe that creative expression raises awareness and can help us dream the world we want, and help us remember our interconnection to each other and all life.


And because we believe that beauty, creativity, interaction, and collaboration are necessary to create a world where we all not only survive but thrive, and that youth voices are crucial to help motivate and inspire the action we need.


We invite all students between the ages of 11-18 to submit short stories, essays, poems or artwork. The winners in each category will have an opportunity to share their work on the Main Stage at Earth Day Fort Collins. All submissions are due by noon on Thursday, April 3rd.



We are partnering with FoCoMX to provide a free, culturally diverse, family oriented venue for their 2025 Festival. Bands will be announced in April!  Check back for details.


10:00 AM Yoga on the lawn presented by Old Town Yoga
Welcome w/Kellie Falbo, Executive Director of Sustainable Living Association
11:00 AM FoCoMX Band: TBA
11:45 AM Youth Writing Contest Readings
12:00 PM Phillip Chavez Native American Flute
12:15 PM Sponsor Presentation
12:30 PM FoCoMX Band: TBA
1:30 PM Speaker TBA
1:45 PM FoCoMX Band: TBA
2:45 PM Speaker TBA
3:00 PM FoCoMX Band: TBA
4:00 PM Native American Singers and Dancers
4:30 PM Closing Speaker
5:00 PM Event Closes


Electric Vehicle Ride & Drive

Join Drive Electric Colorado and the Sustainable Living Association in Fort Collins for an Earth Day Electric Vehicle (EV) Ride and Drive Experience.


Get behind the wheel of a variety of EVs and experience driving electric in a no pressure environment. Ask all of your EV questions, hear from EV experts on their experiences driving electric, and learn from our charging partner, National Car Charging.


This event will be a great opportunity to learn about electric vehicles, available incentives and rebates, what it’s like charge an EV, and of course, drive one for yourself — we hope to see you there!

Your promise to the planet starts here. Donate Today!

Join our Earth Day campaign to Engage our Community in Climate Action!


The climate crisis presents real and present challenges for people and the planet. If we don’t continue to combat climate change at a local level, Colorado will see increased temperatures, reduced snowpack, limited water resources, and worsening air quality. Each of these challenges threaten our love for the outdoors and our connection to nature.



The fight against climate change involves not only mitigating emissions but also building resilience, conserving natural resources, and fostering sustainable practices that can help safeguard the environment and our way of life.




  • By working collectively with people, governments, and organizations we are helping to build more resilient communities.
  • We’re training youths how to advocate for policies and practices that will keep them healthy and safe in the face of climate change.
  • We’re helping businesses learn how to become purpose driven and use their money to do good in the world.
  • We’re sharing tools and resources on how to live more in balance with nature and helping people embrace responsibility for the future of our planet.




This work only gets done with support from people like you and we are grateful for each and every donation. Your support is more than just a donation; it’s a powerful statement of your commitment to a healthier, more sustainable planet. Together, we can continue to protect this place we call home. Let’s make 2024 a year of impact and action! Thank you.


The Sustainable Living Association provides opportunities for businesses to engage in and support our ongoing community efforts to educate, inspire and motivate citizens to live more in balance with nature by conserving natural resources and leaving less of an impact on the earth.


Join us in demonstrating your commitment to environmental protection and preservation.

Check out our 2025 Sponsors & Exhibitors

1 Simple Seed
Abstruse Aparel
Art & Jewelry Maker
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Blingle Premier Lighting
Blue Moon Estate Sales
City of Fort Collins Environmental Services
Climate Reality Project NoCo Chapter
Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed
CSU Surplus Property Store
Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care

Compost Queen
Ent Credit Union
FoCo Trash Mob
Fort Collins Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Found Poetry Ephemera
Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture
Grey Rock Landscape and Construction
Hals Coffee
Larimer County Conservation Corps
Larimer County Solid Waste
League of Women Voters of Larimer County
Leaping Lizard Labels
Lulu’s Taters

New Belgium Brewing
Odell Brewing Company
Platte River Power Authority
Poudre Wilderness Volunteers
Reef Healers
Renewal by Anderson
Republic Services
Ripple Effect Martial Arts
Rocky Mountain Raptor Program
Scrooge Maki
Sierra Club Poudre Canyon Group
Sistainable Mercantile & Refillery
CSU Student Sustainabiity Center
The Zero Source NoCo
Xcel Energy


Earth Day Yoga, 10am – 11am

Join us for an Earth Day-themed all-levels yoga class as we celebrate and honor our beautiful planet.


Our free Earth Day yoga class is a fun and inspiring way to start the day. In this class, we will focus on our connection to nature and the elements, using our breath and movement to cultivate mindfulness and gratitude for the earth. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or new to the practice, this Earth Day-themed all-levels class is open to everyone.


Come and connect with your inner self and with the beauty and wisdom of our planet. We hope to see you on the mat!
Brought to you by Old Town Yoga

Join Wild Roots Studio in celebrating Mother Earth at Earth Day Fort Collins!

Wild Roots Studio will be guiding children in crafting Poudre River Spirit Sticks and creating Wild Recycled Art Sculptures in the Kids tent at the festival.


Poudre River Spirit will offer us a way to honor our love for the majestic Cache La Poudre River! Children old and young will be offered a variety of materials to create a river wand from sticks collected on the river banks of our Poudre River.


Wild Recycled Art Sculptures allow children to make art freely while giving a second life to items that might otherwise end up in the trash! Come play with an array of recycled materials and art supplies to create a unique work of art. Children will be guided in planning their piece, choosing the appropriate medium, and exploring how best to execute their masterpiece.

Wild Roots Studio offers soulful nature-based workshops for children to strengthen their connection to nature and wildly explore their creativity. At Wild Roots, we support the idea that there is something magical in combining nature and art. It returns us to a simplicity, wonder, and soulful place where we find connection & peace.


Nature-based crafts are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, promote sustainability, and encourage little ones to discover the enchantment of Mother Nature. From this comes an understanding of how special our environment is and how important it is to take care of it. For more information about Wild Roots Studio visit our website at or Wild Roots Facebook Page.

My Future, My Voice
Youth Writing Contest!


Calling all Northern Colorado youth writers and activists to share your voice and vision to inspire and raise awareness for climate action! We are asking that you express your visions and desires for the future you want to see through your writing.
We invite YOU to submit your poem, short story, essay or song.


All students 3rd grade – 12th grade ages 8-18 are eligible to participate regardless of which school you attend, or if you are homeschooled or not currently enrolled.


Thank you in advance to the educators, parents, or friends out there who help spread the word.  And thank you as well to all the writers who embrace the challenge and submit their work.


Check out our submission guidelines – winners will have the opportunity to read their works at Earth Day and will win cool prizes from local businesses!

Moosewood Sandhills / Tim Lilburn

Listening to the Wind / Tim Robinson

Ecodeviance / C A Conrad

The Man Who Planted Trees / Jean Giono

Regeneration / Paul Hawken

Active Hope / Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone

My Story as Told by Water / David James Duncan

Staying with the Trouble / Donna Haraway

Second Nature / Jack Collom

Manatee/Humanity / Anne Waldman

The Meadow / James Galvin

Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet / Anna Tsing et al.

A Sand County Almanac / Aldo Leopold

[To] the Last [Be] Human / Jorie Graham

Wildwood / Roger Deakin

Cadillac Desert / Mark Reisner

Hell’s Bottom, Colorado / Laura Pritchett

Desert Cabal / Amy Irvine

Blood Orchid / Charles Bowden

Eating Stone / Ellen Meloy

The Maine Woods / Henry D. Thoreau

The Island Within / Richard K. Nelson

Braiding Sweetgrass / Robin Wall Kimmerer

Growth of the Soil / Knut Hamsen

Life is a Miracle / Wendell Berry

Honey from a Weed / Patience Gray

For a Little While / Rick Bass

Teaching a Stone to Talk / Annie Dillard

Encounters with the Archdruid / John McPhee

American Primitive / Mary Oliver

Practice of the Wild / Gary Snyder

The Overstory / Richard Powers

Share with your friends on social media and stay in the loop!

This event would not exist if it were not for the support of our gracious sponsors.  They care about our community, and our Earth. Join them in celebrating Earth Day Fort Collins!

Thanks to our 2025 Sponsors and Funders!

The Sustainable Living Association provides numerous opportunities for businesses and non-profits to engage in and support our ongoing community efforts.