25 Easy Sustainable Actions

When it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle there are many choices we can make that reduce our impact on the planet.


In celebration of 20 years of the Sustainable Living Association we have put together a list of easy actions you can participate in that will help you save money, reduce your energy consumption, reduce your CO2 production, protect the environment and build community.  Take a look below or print out the flier to track your actions at home.


Benefits Legend: Save Money, Reduce Greenhouse Gas, Save Energy, Community, Environmental Protection

Transportation and Energy Reduction

  1. Utilize alternative transportation one day a week (bike, walk, bus or carpool). 
  2. Combine errands and trips to reduce miles traveled in your car.
    • Tip: If you combine trips to the grocery store, bank, post office etc., you will reduce your CO2 production.
    • Benefits:  
  3.  Hang dry your clothes instead of using your dryer. 
    • Benefits:
  4. Unplug electronics when not in use to reduce energy consumption.
    • Tip: Even when electronics are in standby mode, they are still using electricity. 
    • Resources: Install a Smart Power Strip 
    • Benefits:
  5. Lower your utility bill by turning off lights, reducing your AC use, and turning down your thermostat when possible. 
    • Resources: Discover energy saving tips at shiftfoco.com
    • Benefits:

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

  1. Reduce single-use plastics.
  2. Use reusable food and beverage containers such as water bottles, coffee cups, and lunch bags. 
    • Tip: Buy a reusable mug or bottle from one of your favorite local shops.
    • Benefits: 
  3. Reduce food waste. 
    • Tip: Food waste takes up massive space in our landfills, which produces methane gas, contributing to climate change. When food is wasted, the resources it took to produce and deliver it are also wasted.
    • Benefits:
  4. Reduce paper consumption whenever possible.
    • Tip: Use electronic document signing, subscribe to electronic bills and newsletters, use an online calendar or planner, and put a stop to junk mail.
    • Resources: How to get off of mailing lists.
    • Benefits:
  5. Properly sort recyclable items such as aluminum, plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, and glass.
    • Tip:  Post a sign at your recycling station that clearly identifies what is recyclable in your area and which bin it should go in.
    • Benefits:

Food, Water and Agriculture

  1. Support local agriculture.
    • Tip: Join a CSA (community supported agriculture) and get to know your farmer, or visit a Farmers Market for fresh locally produced food.
    • Benefits:
  2. Reduce your meat consumption.
    • Tip: Consider more plant-based meals. Find ideas at Meatless Mondays
    • Resources: Learn more about beef and climate change here
    • Benefits:
  3. Compost food scraps. 
    • Tip: Cut back on food waste by setting up a compost system in your yard or find a local company that will process it for you.
    • Resource: Learn how to compost. Check with your trash hauler to see if they pick up compost or sign up with a company like Compost Queen.
    • Benefits:
  4. Conserve water by using it wisely. 
    • Tip: Take shorter showers, turn off the water when brushing your teeth, and water your lawn at appropriate times of the day. 
    • Benefits:
  5. Plant a backyard garden or join a neighborhood garden project.
    • Tip: Grow your own fresh food without the use of pesticides.
    • Resources: Backyard Gardening
    • Benefits:

Economy and Consumer Choices

  1. Shop locally.
    • Tip: When you shop local, more money stays in your community.  Buying from a locally owned business conserves energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation and less packaging.
    • Resource: 4 Ways to Shop Local
    • Benefits:
  2. When buying items online choose longer shipping times. 
    • Tip: This practice reduces the amount of GHG emissions produced when delivering your items.
    • Benefits:
  3. Thrift shop and buy gently used items. 
    • Tip: Buying second-hand items keeps them out of the landfill and reduces environmental impacts from the production of new items.
    • Resource: Thrift shops can be found in nearly every city and town.
    • Benefits:
  4. Vote with your dollar.  
    • Tip: Choose sustainable companies and products.
    • Resource: Learn about B-corps and their approach to environmental, social, and economic responsibility.  https://bcorporation.net/
    • Benefits:
  5. When replacing household appliances, consider energy-efficient models. 

Action, Community and Resilience

  1. Inspire youth to become environmental leaders.
    • Tip: By giving our youth a voice they will become change-makers for current and future generations. 
    • Benefits:
  2. Educate yourself and others. 
  3. Connect with nature.
  4. Research political candidates’ environmental stance before you vote. 
    • Tip: Learn about local policies, practices, and your elected officials to meaningfully engage in topics that matter to you. you can engage in topics that matter to you. 
    • Benefits:
  5. Support organizations and actions that promote sustainability! 
    • Tip: Become a supporter of the Sustainable Living Association. 
    • Action: Take the Impact Pledge and learn how your daily actions can have a positive impact on global efforts to combat climate change.
    • Benefits: