About Us

Get to know us better

For nearly two decades the Sustainable Living Association has been at the forefront of the sustainable living and lifestyle movement in our region. As a community working collectively, our impact continues to grow through outreach and education.


We are a non-profit organization committed to applying vision and expertise towards a sustainable future for all. We are a solution driven organization with the distinguishing quality to move people towards powerful and profound choices in an effort to stave off complacence about issues affecting our world.


Our educational programs and events offer creative challenges, delivering valuable, long-term benefits for a wide range of community interests that improve the relationship between people and the planet.









Executive Director

Kellie Falbo

Kellie's natural interests in creating a balanced world between human development, our respect for the environment and social responsibility have become her professional journey.


Kat Ernst

Kat Ernst is the Director of the Impact MBA Program at CSU’s College of Business. She oversees the growing portfolio of impact-oriented programming, strategy, new program development, and external relations.

Vice President

David Nebel

Dave is a Global Sustainability Manager at Ball Corporation where he oversees all sustainability metrics for internal and external ESG reporting. He has a background in engineering, manufacturing, GHG reduction, waste reduction/circularity, and he is an energetic and passionate advocate for sustainability.


Henry Mouton

Henry is the Director of Operations at Trees, Water and People. With a strong background in business scaling, he builds systems and relationships to facilitate growth in companies, always focused on the triple bottom line.


Lindsey Singleton

Lindsey is an Engineering Design Manager at Otter Products. She has experience throughout operations, advocating for design for sustainability, responsible sourcing, waste reduction, and circularity.

Board Member

Mike Soderholm

Mike is the former VP of Marketing at Otter Products. He has a strong background in brand strategy, digital marketing, PR, events and e-commerce.

Board Member

Megan DeMasters

Megan is a Lead Specialist in the Environmental Services Department with the City of Fort Collins. In her role, Megan supports programs and policies related to the City’s municipal sustainability work which includes strategies to address poor air quality, water quality, impacts of climate change, resilience and equity.

Board Member

Matt Bailey

Matt is a Colorado State University graduate, Chief Operating Officer at Grouse Malthouse in Wellington, CO; responsible for all things operations, capital projects, building/manufacturing assets, and sustainable actions at Grouse. He is passionate about leading with purpose, making positive changes and improvements in business, manufacturing, community, and our environment holistically.

Board Member

Montana Sauve

Montana is a Wholesale Delivery Supervisor with Odell Brewing Company. She has a B.S. in Natural Resource Management and completed the Sustainable Leadership Program in 2020 to further her education and connect with like-minded individuals in Northern Colorado. She views every day and experience through a sustainability lens, and strives to inspire lasting change, whether large or small.

Board Member

Nick Peterson

Nick Peterson is the Community & Business Development Coordinator for the Poudre School District, where he oversees and supports several district-wide programs with community partners, as well as engages with regional businesses to create Work-Based Learning Opportunities for students. Nick enjoys cycling, travel, spicy food, and teaching/playing music.

Board Member

Rebecca Lampl

Rebecca is a student at Colorado State University studying horticulture and organic agriculture. She has a passion for sustainability and inspiring collective action to heal our planet. She hopes to bring the youth perspective and to activate community collaboration to mitigate our impacts on the changing climate.

Board Member

Jamie Zann

Jamie Zann is the Business Operations Manager at Motherlove Herbal Company, certified B Corp, where she is responsible for HR, accounting, and business administration. In her spare time, she teaches at Om Ananda Yoga, and enjoys exploring local trails and bike paths.

A Bit About Us

As an educational non-profit organization, the Sustainable Living Association appeals to all of us as users of the earth’s natural resources. SLA targets those interested in, curious about, or deeply involved in sustainable living options.


As educated community members, we can each reduce the impact on our environment by developing sustainable lifestyles. Living a sustainable lifestyle ensures that social, environmental and economic systems offer a healthy and meaningful life for our citizens, without compromising these factors for future generations.

People Worried about Global Warming0

People who Favor Expanding Solar Energy Sources0

Global Consumers Seeking Responsible Products0