4 Common Myths In Renewable Energy

Renewable energy – advocacy for it, especially – has increased over the recent years. Thanks to newer technologies, renewable energy has already been seen as the saving grace for the ever-changing climate.

However, critics will point out the drawbacks of renewable energy – some of them reasonable, while others are driven from myth. So, instead of letting the fears take over, it’s best to look at the myths and challenge them today.

With that said, here are 4 common myths surrounding renewable energy, and the truths behind them.

Want to save the planet? Let’s jump right in!


  1. “Transitioning To Renewable Energy Is Too Costly”

“Spending on renewable energy in the U.S. had reached 59 billion dollars as of 2019,” says Anna Rosman, a tech writer at UK Writings and Best Australian writers. “The good news is, the switch to renewables doesn’t have to be too expensive for companies and investors, since this form of energy is now the cheapest new electricity, which makes up for the majority of the world’s GDP. In fact, renewable energy is more efficient, since it doesn’t take much from the environment like coal and oil. Unlike resources like coal and oil, which take from the environment rather than give back, electricity that’s powered by renewable resources is 100% efficient at end use while keeping the environment safe.”

  1. “Renewable Energy Is Inferior To Fossil Fuels”

For a long time, fossil fuels have reign supreme, when it comes to fueling vehicles, energizing homes and building, and so on. Though, despite the rivalry between the “old” energy and the “new,” there’s the fact that both are still being used to this today. In fact, with the right balance of both, maybe this relationship would be serviceable. However, although renewable energy won’t be 100% implemented in many things worldwide, you should still consider reducing the amount of fossil fuels that you use in your day-to-day life. While global warming and international conflict will still make people wary about using fossil fuels, the same will be true for renewable energy.

However, that doesn’t mean that renewable energy is 100% inferior to fossil fuels. Instead, renewable energy can be used in certain areas, if not all. So, inferiority isn’t warranted here.

  1. “Renewable Energy Isn’t Reliable When There’s No Wind”

“Some people will dismiss renewable energy, due to the long-standing idea that this form of energy won’t work if the wind isn’t blowing,” says Alana Verjus, a business blogger at Australian reviewer and Write my Australia. “Although wind energy has already been prized thanks to wind turbines producing ‘green’ energy, some people believe that those turbines won’t work when there’s no wind. Luckily, initiatives like Oceana stand behind their beliefs that while wind energy isn’t perfect, it’s still reliable. Oceana suggests that wherever winds aren’t present in one place, turbines elsewhere will pick up the slack where wind is blowing. As a result, wind energy emits zero carbon, and can potentially stabilize energy prices while increasing security and anticipating more climate change.”

  1. “Renewable Energy Isn’t Reliable At Nighttime”

Finally, when night falls, people will speculate whether renewable energy will be retrieved at nighttime or not. This myth stems from the idea that solar-powered panels won’t be able to retrieve energy from the sun when it’s nighttime. Now, while it’s true that solar panels work very well only when there’s sunlight present, people also want energy whenever THEY want. So, if they want energy at any time of day, solar energy won’t meet everyone’s demands.

Luckily, many solar energy companies have now implemented REC systems that can help them turn on and collect energy from the sun, and even verify nighttime energy usage. Like wind energy, solar panels will look into other areas with sun, whenever night falls.


So, there you have it!

Companies, homeowners, and other investors have already looked into implementing renewable energy to take the place of fossil fuels in certain areas in life. From ongoing community advocacies to personal beliefs, the truth about renewable energy can be skewed.

Fortunately, we have uncovered 4 of the most common myths surrounding renewable energy, along with the truth behind them. We hope that the fears and concerns from outdated data and assumptions can be put to rest, as we uncovered more myths in renewable energy. By knowing the truth, people will see the amazing strides that renewable energy has taken to make the world a better and healthier place.

Christina Lee is a social media strategist at Student writing services and Study demic. She writes about marketing news and technologies for such services, as Simple Grad, and others.

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