25 Easy Sustainable Actions

When it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle there are many choices we can make that reduce our impact on the planet.


In celebration of 20 years of the Sustainable Living Association we have put together a list of easy actions you can participate in that will help you save money, reduce your energy consumption, reduce your CO2 production, protect the environment and build community.  Take a look below or print out the flier to track your actions at home.


Benefits Legend: Save Money, Reduce Greenhouse Gas, Save Energy, Community, Environmental Protection

  1. Utilize alternative transportation one day a week (bike, walk, bus or carpool). 
  2. Combine errands and trips to reduce miles traveled in your car.
    • Tip: If you combine trips to the grocery store, bank, post office etc., you will reduce your CO2 production.
    • Benefits:  
  3.  Hang dry your clothes instead of using your dryer. 
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  4. Unplug electronics when not in use to reduce energy consumption.
    • Tip: Even when electronics are in standby mode, they are still using electricity. 
    • Resources: Install a Smart Power Strip 
    • Benefits:
  5. Lower your utility bill by turning off lights, reducing your AC use, and turning down your thermostat when possible. 
    • Resources: Discover energy saving tips at shiftfoco.com
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