Sponsor Youth Climate Action

Youth Climate Action Day

Saturday, April 23rd 11am-5pm


At the 12th annual Earth Day Fort Collins event local youth will gather to train and inspire other youth on 5 different educational areas focused on climate change and how to take action.  This event is led, organized, and implemented by youth who are aware of the effects of climate change on our planet AND they want to do something about it.  Your support will help cover project costs and make this event a reality. Download Sponsor Packet





Global Sponsor – $1500

  • Sponsorship of one Focus Area (limited to 4)
  • Business logo on youth t-shirts, designed by students
  • One free announcement in SLA monthly e-newsletter (5500+)
  • Top tier Logo placement on website, electronic advertising, promotional materials, youth action packet
  • Recognition as a Sponsor at event
  • Four Social Media features with link to your website 


Planetary Sponsor – $1000

  • Sponsorship of one Focus Area (limited to 4)
  • Business logo on youth t-shirts, designed by students
  • Tiered Logo placement on website, electronic advertising, promotional materials, youth action packet
  • Recognition as a Sponsor at event
  • Three Social Media features with link to your website


People Sponsor – $500

  • Business logo on youth t-shirts, designed by students
  • Tiered Logo placement on website program page
  • Recognition as a Sponsor at event
  • Business name included in electronic advertising and promotional materials
  • Two Social Media features with link to your website


Places Sponsor – $250

  • Business name listed on website program page
  • Business name included in electronic media
  • One Social Media feature with link to your website