
10 Tips for Encouraging Sustainability in Your Community

Today, it is easier than ever to incorporate sustainability into your lifestyle. Sustainability isn't about buying more expensive products or driving an electric car. It's about creating awareness around how you choose to consume resources. When people gather together to make a difference, incredible things...


How Gen Z is Embracing Minimalism and Reinventing Prosperity

By Jessica Larson, SolopreneurJournal.com Baby Boomers, Gen X, and older millennials often define adulthood as finishing college, finding and holding a steady job, and buying a home. Members of Gen Z (people born from around 1996 to 2010), don’t necessarily share this perception of the transition...


How to Practice Green Business

Whether you have your own business or you are involved in making decisions for someone else’s, taking steps to incorporate operations that reduce pollution and decrease environmental footprint is becoming more and more crucial. Small steps like cutting back on paper usage and encouraging work...