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What's new in sustainability?

4 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in the Home

Climate change is a scary prospect. It has the potential to harm many essential aspects of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. And considering 2022 had one of the hottest summers on record, it’s clear that we’re already feeling...

What Are the Practical Benefits of Personal Sustainability?

Sustainability is becoming more popular than ever in our society, but it’s more than just a buzzword. More people are recognizing the impact of environmental concerns such as climate change, carbon emissions, and excessive waste, and want to do something about it. While major corporations,...

8 Sustainable Ways to Practice Self-Care Without Waste

Self-care is necessary to keep your mind and body healthy. There are many ways to take care of yourself, but unfortunately, many aren’t good for the environment. If you want to help the world while helping yourself, you have some great options. 1. Make Your Cosmetics You...

4 Unconventional Ways to Be Mindful About Sustainability

The evidence is in: our environment is in danger. The climate change threat is real. It’s a reality that is difficult and frightening to accept, but it seems that, at last, the world is finally waking up and taking action. Sustainability efforts are increasingly becoming a...

Choosing Plants for a Sustainable Garden Design

With the aim of making a positive impact on the environment, sustainable gardening involves working with nature not against it.  Organic gardening practices including the elimination of harmful artificial additives and the conservation of natural resources are important in creating an eco-friendly backyard. Gardening in harmony with...

How To Cultivate a Love of Nature in Young People and Children

Most children have an innate love of nature and the great outdoors. However, as distracting as the digital age has become, that love for hillsides and rivers can sometimes be superseded by a love of smartphones and game consoles. There’s nothing wrong with kids who want...