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What's new in sustainability?

How Algae Is Making Food Production More Sustainable

This year the Biden administration established national sustainability goals to limit environmentally degrading commercial activities. The agricultural and food production industry has long-standing ecological challenges interfering with the country’s carbon-neutrality objective. Professionals are searching for eco-friendly alternatives in hopes of reducing the sector’s environmental effects. Researchers...

5 Plants That Will Cool Your Home Naturally

In the summertime and climates with warmer temperatures, it can seem like no amount of fans, air conditioners, or open windows can cool down your home. Plus, the electricity it takes to run fans and cooling units can rack up costs and harmful emissions for...

4 Common Myths In Renewable Energy

Renewable energy – advocacy for it, especially – has increased over the recent years. Thanks to newer technologies, renewable energy has already been seen as the saving grace for the ever-changing climate. However, critics will point out the drawbacks of renewable energy – some of them...

9 Easy Activities That Kids can Enjoy to Learn About Sustainability

Teaching the future generation all about sustainability is crucial. Once we show our kids how to protect the environment, they can play a key role in saving the environment. However, sustainability can sometimes be complicated. It often involves consumerism, raw materials, and global supply chains. Thus, you...

How Companies Can Empower Their Employees to Live Green

As eco-consumerism rises in America, companies must enhance the sustainability of their practices. They work to decrease atmospheric and surface-level pollution, improving climate change prevention measures. Meeting client demands can significantly improve sales, helping a company remain competitive in its field. A business is only as...