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Thinking About Solar Panels – Here’s What You Should Know

People are becoming more and more environmentally conscious. They’re recycling more than ever and paying more attention to how their actions directly affect the environment. One question that many homeowners ask is: “How can I efficiently minimize my impact on the environment and be more...

A Green Deep Clean: An Eco-Friendly Guide to Eliminating Clutter

Did you know that the average American household has almost 300,000 items in it? That’s not surprising considering shopping malls outnumber high schools in our country. We’re surrounded by so much stuff that the average person spends more than 150 days out of their lifetime...

5 Steps You Need to Take to Remove Toxic Chemicals from Your Home

Unfortunately, we live in a world surrounded by toxic chemicals. We’re not talking about living near a toxic waste dump; we’re talking about toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, asbestos, and flame retardants throughout the house and BPA in common household items like paper products, paint, cleaning...

7 Ways to Ditch Plastic in the Bathroom

The average American throws out roughly 185 pounds of plastic each year, and 50% of that plastic gets thrown away after only a one use. It’s no surprise that we have a global environmental problem on our hands. In order to make a dent in this...