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What's new in sustainability?

Why Management is Essential for an Organization’s EHS Program

  Researchers discovered the correlation between employment longevity and ecological conservation efforts. Employees prefer working at a purpose-driven, sustainable company. Maintaining an efficient environmental health and safety (EHS) program is essential to business success. Adopting eco-conscious workplace habits also aligns with eco-consumerism values. Companies can increase their...

5-Step Guide To Having Your Energy Audit Work For You

An energy audit ensures that your facility is doing its part in conserving energy. Not only will energy conservation be good for saving your business money on energy bills, but it’ll also do a whole world of good for the environment. However, running an energy audit...

How to Prioritize Employee Health During Office Renovations

Office renovations are essential to update the space and add a fresh look. However, when it comes to improvement ideas, employees’ well-being should be at the top of the list. Employees who are happier at work are more likely to be more productive. Here are...

Making Renewable Energy Affordable for Small Businesses

The media highlights multinational corporations’ sustainability efforts, painting them as the leaders of the eco-conscious movement. Unfortunately, displaced media attention leaves eco-friendly small business measures in the dark. Small companies generate significantly less pollution than their larger competitors. Employees of non-corporate companies have a say when...