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What's new in sustainability?

Simple and Sustainable Habits to Keep in Mind While Renovating

From fossil fuels to excessive waste and even compromises on food options, there are plenty of unsustainable activities that can take place on a construction site. Many renovations aren’t eco-friendly, in and of themselves. If you’re considering investing in some home improvements, here are a few...

Home Improvements to Make Your Living Space More Energy Efficient

Making your home more energy efficient is one of the best ways to live more sustainably. According to recent studies, “Residential energy use accounts for roughly 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.” With such a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it’s...

Simple Ways To Make Your Fridge More Sustainable

Keeping perishable foods fresh has posed a challenge since the dawn of time. Thanks to ever-evolving refrigeration technology, however, the world has come a long way since raw meat and dairy products had to be buried underground in an attempt to keep them fresher for longer....

3 Tips To Help You Create An Eco-Friendly Interior Design For Your Home

LEED-certified green buildings in the US and other regions consume 11% less water and 25% less energy than non-green buildings, according to the World Green Building Council. Today’s homeowners are more conscious of how building architecture and interior designs affect the environment. As a result, they...

How to Build a Greener Workforce

The only way to achieve a green economy is by building a more eco-friendly workforce. Employees who adopt a pro-environment mindset will likely have a more sustainable career. Green workforces comprise a wide variety of careers that work together to help society move toward sustainability. From...