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What's new in sustainability?

Making Your Remote Space More Sustainable

Working out of the office has been a growing trend for years now. However, the coronavirus pandemic served to suddenly and dramatically shove remote work — and more specifically work from home (WFM) activity — into the limelight.  Suddenly, rather than seeing remote work as a...

What’s the Impact of Non Recycled E-Waste on the Planet?

If you think about every person you know who upgrades to the latest iPhone every year, you can start to imagine just how much e-waste is produced annually. Americans alone throw out over 130 million cellphones every year, and that number is only rising. E-waste, or...

Ecotourism Examples That Don’t Work

As scientific data about climate change and dwindling animal populations has sparked human interest in conservation issues, sustainability as a movement has become immensely popular. Although 22 million dollars have been spent on environmental education, and another 11 million towards wildlife protections, many people in...

Sustainability in Cooperatives vs. Other Corporations

If you've ever ordered something from or bought an iPhone through Apple, you've engaged with a corporation. Obviously, in the U.S., buying from large companies like this is a very common occurrence and isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, if you want to see...

How to Switch to Sustainable Purchases

Interestingly, the newest generation of consumers, Gen Y and Z, are some of the greenest customers yet. Research shows that younger generations tend to take into account a product’s ecological footprint and full lifecycle before making purchases. Interest in things such as fast fashion has...

Sustainable diving: Leave a positive environmental impact

The world’s aquatic ecosystems present some of the most beautiful and mysterious places to explore. With the effects of climate change being felt around the world, those who seek these deep places are beginning to consider the impacts we humans are having on these fragile...