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5 Sustainable Cleaning Tips to To-Go During Holiday Seasons

The holidays are a time to spend with your family and friends, but getting the house in order can be challenging. It is important to plan so you can stay calm. Some of the challenges of holiday cleaning are that you may have company coming over,...

Create an Eco-Friendly Business Plan With This Comprehensive Guide

Building a green business requires an understanding of ecopreneurship and how to find eco-friendly opportunities, and it also requires a marketing plan that works upon these principles. From finding a location for your business that meets your needs to working green business practices into your...

Starting a Sustainable E-commerce Business

These days, many entrepreneurs are starting online businesses. It is a great idea because you can work from the comfort of your home, enjoy a good work-life balance, and easily communicate with people around the world. If you really want to make an impact, then...

11 Sustainable Wedding Gifts Eco-Conscious Couples Will Love

With many couples wanting to have a sustainable wedding, guests are faced with the more challenging task of finding a suitable eco-conscious gift. When shopping around for a gift, you need to take note of these general tips: Make sure that you pick an item or...

Avoiding the Harmful Effects of Plastic on the Body

What do chewing gum, bees, the Himalayas and your bloodstream have in common? It sounds like the setup of a joke, but the answer is that they all contain plastic particles. Look around: How much plastic do you see? Your shoes, window blinds, phone case, keyboard...

Will Plant-Based Diets Lead to a More Sustainable Future?

The global population is growing, as are concerns about our ability to feed it in the coming decades. Experts predict that by 2050 we will need to produce 70% more food than we do today. This has led many to ask: what can we do...