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Mud Buildings Of The Past Teach Timeless Lessons In Sustainability

Constructed in the thirteenth century and rebuilt in 1907, the Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali, West Africa — considered the pinnacle of Sudano-Sahelian architecture — is made entirely from adobe: dried mud brick typically comprised of natural elements like earth, water, and straw and...

20 Simple Changes You Can Make for Enhanced Sustainable Living

Living sustainably is no longer just a trend — it's essential for preserving our planet and ensuring a healthier future for you and the generations to come. Here are 20 simple yet effective changes you can make to reduce your ecological footprint and embrace a...

7 Eco-Friendly Choices to Make for Your Home Renovation

Planning your home renovation with sustainability in mind is a surefire way to minimize your household’s negative environmental impact. Your project is an opportunity to do your share in addressing the many problems plaguing the planet. Make these seven eco-friendly choices to be part of...

Diabetes and a Changing Climate: How to Safeguard Your Health

Did you know that climate change can directly impact your health? The 2024 World Heart Report found that climate change has contributed to the increasing number of deaths caused by diabetes, heart conditions, and obesity worldwide due to air pollution in the last decade. According to...