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What's new in sustainability?

6 Reasons Why you Need to Start Living in a Sustainable Way

Sustainable living refers to how humans live on Earth without damaging natural resources. It is a concept that has been around for centuries, but it has become more prevalent in recent years. What's excellent about sustainable living is that, in principle, you should be able to...

Green Mind: Learning to Deal with Climate Anxiety

With increased CO2 levels, rising oceans and a higher frequency of extreme weather events, it’s no surprise many of us are beginning to feel anxious about climate change - especially in the younger generations. It’s important, therefore, to address this anxiety and take measures to...

What Happens to America’s Waste?

America has the third-largest population in the world, behind China and India. Each individual in the U.S. produces a large quantity of trash. After items reach their expiration, they end up in landfills or recycling facilities. Residents often place their trash bins on the curb each...

Leadership Skills for Children to Build a Sustainable Tomorrow

The children of today will play an integral role in creating a sustainable tomorrow. After all, they’ll be inheriting the responsibility to maintain the health of the planet. Teaching kids about the vulnerability of the environment and individual actions they need to take is just...

Air Pollution and Its Impact on Human Health

Currently, there are 1.446 billion cars in the world. Most of them are responsible for the release of carbon monoxide into the air. Then we have agricultural processes, such as livestock waste management and fertilizer production, which create ammonia. The production of petroleum and coal...

How Apartment Living Can Be More Sustainable

If you live in an apartment, your landlord probably isn’t going to let you put solar panels on the roof. However, there are many things you can do to live a sustainable lifestyle even if you don’t have the same freedom as a homeowner. No matter...