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What's new in sustainability?

Which COVID-19 Habits are Sustainable?

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the world overnight by forcing entire cities and countries to lockdown and shelter in place. The highly-contagious nature of the coronavirus caused most people to self-isolate for unprecedented amounts of time. The change has been difficult for many, but there’s been...

Sustainable Lifestyle and Green Living Tips for Families

Living a green or sustainable lifestyle is a goal that many families have. This essentially means living a life that is good for the environment. In fact, over 75% of people want to learn how to live more sustainably. Unfortunately, many of them don’t know...

5 Trends to Watch While Shaping Your Sustainable Beauty Routine

Sustainability is more than just a trend. It's a practice that grows with you, where we become more aware and strive to do better for ourselves, each other and the planet. Many people have turned their attention to a few specific hallmarks of sustainability to...

The Top 3 Most Environmentally Friendly Building Materials

As the world is becoming more environmentally conscious, humans are beginning to do all that they can to make their lives and all aspects of it as eco-friendly as possible. From reusable water bottles and bags to electric cars, many people are making an outstanding...

9 Simple Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly in the Kitchen

Kitchens are the heart of the home, where we spend time with family and prepare the meals that nourish us. So, wouldn’t we want it to be as clean, green and healthy as possible? From updating bulbs and appliances to changing simple everyday habits, there are...

7 Ways to Encourage Kids to be More Environmentally Friendly

Kids are quite curious at a young age. Their brains are like little sponges. They soak up lots of information and are highly perceptive and impressionable, especially when it comes to new experiences. And like many new experiences and lessons, a child can readily latch...