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Learn About The Weather And Grow Better Crops

Growing your own fruits and vegetables is one of the most satisfying things about sustainable living. We can solely rely on our hands and the earth to produce healthy, nutritious food, free from packaging, free from guilt. Food gardening in America has increased by 200%...

Eco-Friendly Tips For A More Sustainable Garden Pool

Water lovers everywhere look forward to spending long summer days lounging by the pool — but at what cost to the environment? Residential swimming pools in the U.S. more energy efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective. Go Natural Traditional pools are brimming with chlorine and other chemicals which can...

UL Study Explains the Dangers of Wood Floor Finishes

Learn how to choose a safe coating, paint or other solvents for your wood floor. UL research into the off-gassing of VOCs from products like wood floor coatings, furniture and paint led to the development of  GREENGUARD Certification, a program which requires products to meet stringent emissions...

How to recycle your mattress

Information provided by Best Mattress Reviews: Every year, less than 1% of used mattresses are recycled and nearly 20 million mattresses end up in junkyards all over the United States. Mattresses do not compact as well as regular garbage, and can create dangerous holes in landfills....