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What's new in sustainability?

6 Small Ways to Start Living Sustainably

It has become harder to ignore climate change’s devastating impacts on the world. You may have heard of people making drastic changes to their homes and lifestyles toward carbon neutrality — reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. While these are important acts, they...

The Best Sustainable Materials To Build Your New Home

More people are choosing to build their own homes instead of buying existing properties. There are several reasons for this, with some wanting to have total control over the layout and design of their home, while others simply want to have a fresh and new...

Reconnecting With Nature for the Body, Mind, and Soul

You know that feeling you get when you're well taken care of? You're happy and positive. Your mind is clear. You're physically well and emotionally stable. You're holistically healthy and your life reflects that. We should always be looking for ways to take care of our...

6 Ways to Make Rental Housing Disrepair More Eco-Friendly

When you find your rental housing in disrepair, it’s vital to fix it up as soon as possible, both for the benefit of tenants and the landlord. This change can also help you upgrade the rental house to be more eco-friendly, which we will cover...

5 Sustainability and Health Benefits of Living Buildings

Living buildings are a breath of fresh air in any city. They’re a sustainable alternative to traditional buildings and can positively affect the people living where they’re built.  Living buildings incorporate plants into architecture. Plant life can be on walls, roofs or windows, and some structures...