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Simple Ways To Make Your Beauty Routine Greener

The beauty and skincare products human beings use daily have a big impact on the environment, with everything from shampoos right through to bath gels, shaving products, and skincare serums all having materials that enter our waterways and harm aquatic life. Just a few common toxins...

The Crucial Role of Businesses in Saving the Planet

When you consider the grave state of the environment and the planet as a whole, solutions like recycling, carpooling and low-flow appliances might come to mind. Whether it’s using fabric bags at the supermarket or harvesting your own rainwater, most mainstream climate activism centers around...

Looking at Sustainable Career Choices

We are living at a time of environmental concern. According to the United Nations, we have less than a decade to make changes to prevent the irreversible effects of climate change. As industries are one of the primary contributors to global damage, an area that...

Looking at Sustainable Career Choices

We are living at a time of environmental concern. According to the United Nations, we have less than a decade to make changes to prevent the irreversible effects of climate change. As industries are one of the primary contributors to global damage, an area that...

How Water Quality Impacts the Environment and Human Health

When you think about ways to save the planet, you might imagine reducing your energy usage or driving your car less often. Actions like that will minimize your carbon footprint, but water plays a significant role in sustainability as well. Every living organism needs water to...