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Go Green: 4 Ways Technology Can Help You Live Sustainably

With growing public awareness of climate changeand environmental issues in the headlines, it’s no wonder many Americans are trying to live more sustainable lifestyles. Most of us use more resources than we really need to, and we could stand to cut back without reducing our...


Feeding your lawn and gardens is an important part of plant health. Sure, you can go buy expensive fertilizers and apply them every so often, but did you know that you can make your own with very little effort?  Store bought fertilizers are often synthetic...

4 Creative Ways to Bring Nature Indoors

Nature is often associated with calamity and peace of mind. A stroll through the park during times of stress can produce psychological benefits. A great way to get in touch with nature is to bring it indoors. Doing so can stimulate your senses and improve...

Green Investing: The Complete Guide

For most people, helping out the environment doesn’t mean completely overhauling the way they live. It simply means choosing more sustainable ways to do what they already do. Like buying reusable grocery bags or purchasing clothes from environmentally conscious companies, green investing is a powerful...

26 Plants That Clean The Air

By David Wright. Formany years nobody considered the impact of plants as an indoor-purifier. Yes, the environment friendly role of plants is known since ages, but nobody imagined the extent to which plants can purify the air inside your living space. That was before NASA...